Take a trip down to Earth energies and ancient religions, follow the footprints of the angels on Italian soil! Experience the healing influence of a spiritual Power Site where two of the strongest Earth currents cross!
Two times a year we take international groups of like-minded adventurers on the journey to a unique spiritual powerhouse in Gargano National Park in South East Italy.
We travel for personal growth, new consciousness and profound change. However, these trips are not only about Us, they are not only about You. They are about supporting the Earth and the local communities. We are ‘the change’. That is why we travel also with full immersion for positive impact on the territory.
If you have an open mind and heart, care for Mother Earth and desire to travel meaningfully, within and without, welcome on board!
Gargano, the spur of Italy, as very few people know, was once an island completely covered with thick forests… There is an old roman legend connected with this event:
“One day a Sun God took the fire from the Sun where he dwelt and, on the fiery ship came to Earth. When he landed on the sea his ship turned into the rocky island. A part of that island is said to have fallen into the sea taking along forever the divine knowledge. The other part got attached to the land and was dedicated to the gods so that they could teach Humans their divine wisdom.”
It is famous for many Archangel Michael apparitions and for His oldest European sanctuary, fabled for its gateways to the underground world and interconnecting cave system, home to the Dragon energies, prehistoric dolmens, ancient temples, medieval mystery school, The Magi and Masters retreat and first Christian settlements. But first of all, known as a place that vibrates pure and high, where Earth not only nourishes your senses, but does the same for your body, mind and soul. A place of divine connection and magic that can truly recharge your batteries on every level of your being. A place of ancient wisdom and oracle that is able to open you to more of your soul’s knowledge and bring about the long-researched answers, facilitating a change in you inside out. All in the authentic paradise for the senses with genuine slow food, wine and herbs, omnipresent fragrant olive groves and pine forests descending into the sea, Italy’s cleanest beaches surrounded by white cliffs, high mountains and Europe’s oldest stunning primordial forest – the Natural Park, untouched by time, with thousand-year-old trees, more than eighty kinds of orchids and hundreds of species of plants and animals.
Gargano, June 1-9, Soulbody Retreat 2024

Calm your mind in the Waters of Adriatic
Calm your mind and cleanse your body in the sparkling, cobalt blue waters where Michaels’s earth energy line, descending from the mountains meets the Adriatic. Enjoy some of Italy’s cleanest, most beautiful solitary beaches that can only be accessed by boat, little bays, limestone cliffs, majestic white rock arches emerging out of the sea and more than a hundred fairy tale-like calcareous grottos brimming with reflections, that strike the deepest cords in the soul.

Connect with the energies of the Sacred Mountain
Commune with Gargano wooded peaks, which already during the Greek colonisation, under the Dauni tribes, were called the ‘Sacred Mountains’. Monte Sant’Angelo (ancient Mount of Oaks with its cave inhabited by the seer Calchas, famous for incubation rites and its healing spring waters of Podalirius), Monte Sacro (ancient Dodona oracle), Monte Saraceno (Dauni sacred burial site), with their wild landscapes, full of rock walls, crevices and caves, are still pervaded with strong spirituality as they were since primordial times… The cults of Sun gods like Diomedes, Jupiter and Mithras still echo in the wind with the bells of the bulls…

Encounter Archangel Michael
Tune in directly to the Divine in the unique angelic grotto shrine that lies on a famous medieval pilgrimage route,via francigena, known as a part of the Michael line, connecting the most important temples dedicated to Michael across Europe. In this underground sanctuary associated with many archangelic apparitions, Michael is believed to have left an imprint of his foot …and to still celebrate the mass here every night. He is said to have chosen this cave himself and legends claim that the Celestial basilica has never been blessed by a human hand.

Encounter the dragon
Discover two of the strongest European ley lines, known as Dragon, that passing through Gargano cross in the mountains. Connect with the frequencies of these powerful ‘rivers’ moving in the body of the Earth, carrying fire, ancient knowledge and massive creative life energy maintained in balance through centuries by spirituality called Michael, keeping them harnessed and controlled deep under the ground…

Encounter Yourself…
Prepare for deep transformations, initiations and pure alchemy. People of the past spent the night on Gargano sacred mountain wrapped in black sheep skin, in the hope of receiving an answer from the gods by morning. You can stay in your bed at the villa (covered with a comfy blanket) as long as you keep an open mind and listen to the messages. The configuration of bio-radiation in sacred sites influences our subconscious which talks to us during dreams and meditations in its own language. Whatever You seek and pray for there, will be enhanced!

Touch the history
Feel the feet and hand imprints of the medieval pilgrims on the steps of Celestial basilica, hear the whispers and stories of mysterious Dauni tribes caught in the carved stone and the chanting of the monks imprisoned in the woods. Immerse yourself in the infinitely rich history of the Human Being since Palaeolithic, ancient dolmens, megaliths and burial sites, sacred symbols on the rocks, cave paintings, VI century UNESCO site, find the traces of widespread presence of first Christian hermitages, ruins of remote abbeys and charming medieval towns untouched by time.

Come home to your body and senses
Experience the vitality of the animal inhabitants of your seven chakras with daily SoulCollage® practice and the regenerative somatic movement meditation, supported by the power of essential oils of Gargano; Enjoy the genuine, intense Italian slow-food flavours, organic home cooked dinners and romantic, small restaurants serving only locally grown and caught produce. All in a unique scenery, made up of sunlight and contrasts, bright colours and heavy perfumes.
What people say:
I just wanted to express my gratitude for the beautiful sacred journey in Gargano, Italy with you. The week with you (and our group) was for me an amazing combination of BEAUTY, MAGIC, DELIGHT, LAUGHTER, EXCITEMENT, JOY, PEACE, AND LOVE…LOVE LOVE LOVE – all with a magnificent culmination of my own personal enlightenment and shifts.
The gorgeous treks, the ancient grottos, caves, Basilicas, and monasteries, the exquisite Italian food, the fun festivals, the energizing daily yoga and calming meditations, delightful boat ride and swimming, fun breakfast and dinners sharing conversation with our great group…. all AMAZING… and all with the constant surround and beauty of the gorgeous olive groves and Adriatic sea! It could not have been more beautiful!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Karolina!
Sharon O’Donnell (USA)
“I have been to Gargano in southern Italy twice with Karolina. The Archangel Michael line and the church in the grotto of St Michael at Monte St Angelo pre dates Christianity and touches into very ancient and very sacred earth energies. Karolina is an energy alchemist and story teller extraordinaire, that brings to life the legends of St Michael, the sacred sites and ancient churches. She not only feels…she knows … The place, the history, the people, the food, the wine, the gorgeous hillside towns, and so much more…An experience of the energy that now links past, present and future together in a very exciting way…”
Judy Satori (New Zealand)
“On my first trip to Italy I had no idea what to expect. I was guided to go and took a leap of faith. The events and experience in Italy was beyond anything that I could have imagined. It was not only educational but life changing. I was not looking to change my life but unveiling the truth of energetic lay lanes/portals/multi-dimensional you/energy work/vibrational state etc caused a shift in me that was totally unexpected and deeply appreciated. This region has some of the strongest healing energy on the planet, I could only compare the energy vortexes there to that of the healing tunnels inside the pyramids. It was simply one of the best choices I have made in this incarnation. I remain eternally grateful to Karolina and all that attended that miraculous week in Italy. THANK YOU dear Earth Angel for your continued effort to allow others to experience the magic of that energy.”
Ken Jablonski (USA)
Gargano, May 04-11, Spiritual Journey 2020